This work is indicated to make the separation of a couple where the client is one of the parties. There will be a separation with dialogue and no fights. The spouse who hired this job will have to be aware that at any time you may be asked to sit down and talk about the separation of this couple. In this conversation will be placed the words of wishes of the contracting party to separate into a good one without the need for judicial or family intervention. Because it is a work based on the EXUS of both, this work can not be undone and therefore the contracting party of this work should be aware that, once this work has been done, they will never be able to live together lovingly speaking. In this work will be used the fundamentals of EXUS. For this reason, we guarantee absolute secrecy, where it will be practically impossible for a person to discover that he was the victim of this powerful spiritual work. The results of this work will make the victim person immediately get another person to start a new relationship. To do this work we will need the photos of the couple together or a photo of each. To do this spiritual work with the Omo-Odús, we charge R $ 30,000.00 (One thousand Reais) in sight. This work is guaranteed by a registered document and, if the results do not occur in a maximum of 21 days, we will refund the amount paid in full without any problem.
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